Ok, so I feel like I should post something but then I think of the laundry that needs doing and floor that needs vacuuming. There is also the guitar that needs to be learned the furniture making hobby I have been meaning to start up.
Over in the corner is the stack of books, Mark high, that need reading and the dusty volume of the Bible that really needs reading. That’s right next to the spot that I pray in that needs someone in it.
I look in the mirror and see a guy who needs to exercise and eat right, and needs some quality time with his girlfriend. And what about church, family and friends?
…Ok, so I feel like I should post something.
And so the cycle continues… I’m right there with you!
However I would like to state one fact: I do NOT have a girlfriend that I need to spend quality time. Just a fact. But mayby there are a few ‘Girl Friends’ that I need to…