Everday is precious.

Wow. She was only 35 and now she is gone. I knew her.. we had fun… joked around… debated. she always listened to what I would tell her about my perspective about God and faith… she would listen and take things in.

You could tell that she was a searcher. A lazy searcher perhaps, she wasn’t knocking down my door or anything but I knew she was open to a good conversation about God, and maybe open to being convinced about my take on the nature of God. I didn’t get a feeling from her that she was just passing the time or being polite in our conversations, rather the interest was in her eyes and was genuine.

It blows me away that I let this friendship linger, disintegrate even, over the last two years. Even after I found out last year that her brother died of basicly the same type of circumstances and knew that she may be heading down the same road too, still I never got a hold of her to see how she was doing, to invite her to coffee. I was the closest thing to a pastor that she probably had in her life and right or wrong I feel that I failed her.

Now she is gone and I am left with questions. Was I blind to her needs? Am I so far from God that I couldn’t see? Did I ignore God and choose not to see? Have I sinned here?

I question my commitment to the Kingdom when I see the hurting and the lost and just turn away. I think of my friend and, with the benefit of hindsight, know that she was just the type of person that needed to see the Kingdom of God at work in someone’s life. Would that have saved her life? Would that have made her passing more peaceful? Man, I don’t know.

Perhaps it is simply pride that makes me think that the impact of my life intersecting with her’s could of changed her destiny. Sometimes I think that this guilt that we Christians feel when have not done all that we could of is simple pride. When I think that I failed God when he “needed” me or that I failed my friend when she “needed” me makes me wonder about may perception of place in God’s Kingdom. The very nature of this thinking puts me so much in the center of things, makes me so necessary and integral to the end result. It makes me feel icky, just the thought of being so narcistic.

A more generous view is that I have this gift that changed my life forever inside of me. The very spirit of the living God is alive in me, overflowing my cup and spilling out onto the world around. My life is not so special rather the life that is in me is infinitely special. It is His life in me that is what is lifechanging to anyone and everyone, even for… especially for my friend. It is this life, and the love that comes with it, which I have to offer… which I feel that I have held back too often, that I feel I held back from my friend… and now she is gone.

Why I don’t post.

There is a part of me that wants to wax poetic and/or pontificate deep and meaningful truths in this, my online journal. I imagine people coming from the four corners of the world, commenting on my wisdom, or even better referencing my work in a trackback. My inner megalomaniac imagines being on everyone’s blogroll and maybe even required reading for … for … hmmm, now what class could I be required reading for? Perhaps some theology class. But then comes the part of the post where I start doubting the impact and clarity of the previous three sentences, so i reread and edit them. If they are complete crap, I delete it all and start from scratch.

What was I writing about now? (reread) Oh yes, and the longer the post gets the more I have to reread, just to make sure that I am staying on target and insuring the there is a flow to the text. The more I type the less sure I become of the validity and logical strength of what I am saying and the more I worry about all the missing clarifying statements that would make my point clearer and sway the detractors. Then I think to myself, “Was that last sentence too Pauline?” You know, some of of the Apostle Paul’s epistles have sentences that go on and on. So I reread and determine that I am unable to come up with a better way to communicate my point without a major rewrite, and now I am feeling the crunch of time. I have spent way too much time on this post already, so things will just have to stand as is.

But wait, isn’t the purpose off this post to convey something of value to the imagined millions of readers? Don’t I owe the person reading this post something of consequence, something legible, something consise? After all, they are taking valuable time to read this post and I should respect that. Truth is I just do not want to look like a fool.

And spelling, I say big words all the time and don’t even think about it. But spelling is not speaking so spell checks abound. At this point I think to myself that people should not use words in conversation that they cannot spell. But this thought is problematic as I do not want to give up the word vociferous (spell checked) or picturesque (spell checked again) and for some reason their spelling just does not stick with me.

Am I still on point? (reread, edit)

As I look at the time I have wasted, a half-hour on three stupid paragraphs, I begin to wish, yet again, that I could type faster, because I don’t have time for this. Maybe I should save a draft and come back tot the text later. That isn’t going to work, I have posts in the draft folder that have been in there for 6 months.

The draft folder is a leppers’ island of malformed posts, it is where these poor creatures go to to die. Perhaps that is too harsh, I mean these posts may never see the light of day but they still have each other. They are there to comfort one another and they do not judge one another. You will never see one of these draft posts snicker at the misspellings, bad grammar choices and incompleteness of another because it knows it is just as flawed a creation.

No, the choice is either to slave away at the current post or delete it entirely. Deleting the post is a sure way of making sure that the last half-hour has been a total waste of time but even that may be perferrable to the humiliation of a poorly written post, that is being judged by all and by proxy, allowing people to judge me. Oh, the horror!

Man, narcissism sucks!

Now I’ve been tagged. When will the madness end?

Nick tagged me so now I have to share 5 things that you may not know about me…

1> When I was really little, my mom had me in one of those carrier things that let you carry your kid in a picnic basket-like contraption… well she set me down on the kitchen table and went to put away some groceries or something. Now I don’t know how it happened, if the table was tilted or there was a mischievous gremlin, but somehow, when my mom’s back was turned, I slid off the table in my carrier and went crashing down… right into the trash basket! No physical harm came to me because of this, but it is true, I am the original “Garbage Pail Kid”.

2> I went to eleven different schools before graduating highschool in 1989.

3> In the 8th grade, I missed more days of school then I went to because kids are mean and I was unpopular, yet I still managed to get to the 9th grade the next year.

4> 9th grade saw me take my mom’s car to school regularly even though I did not have her permission or a driver’s license. She commuted using the subway since we lived in Washington DC at the time, that how I was able to get away with it.

5> My senior year of highschool I had a Pinto and was a bad driver. Sometimes I would lose control of my car on the dirt roads and spend time driving in the ditch. Apparently a neighboron the road saw me do this one day and weeks later ran out in front of the car as I was driving by. Wagging a finger at me, he said in this Dukes of Hazzard, Rosco P. Coltrane voice , “I said i’d gitcha and I gotcha!” and that saw he what I done did and that his eye was on me, blah, blah, blah. My sister Jen and I were in tears because of his chastisement… we just couldn’t stop laughing. “Ga, ga ,ga. I’m gonna git dem Dukes!”

Ok, now who do I tag? Most all my blogging buddies have been tagged.

So I tag…

Kari, ’cause she has yet to respond to her other tag:)
John, same as Kari.
& Dan, same as John.

Sorry guys, but are it!

Now you can know if it’s raining at my house.

Look to your immediate right and notice that the weather for Minneapolis is displayed. Isn’t that great?! Now you can know what type of weather I am experiencing, day or night. This satisfies a need that was out there amongst my many non-Minnesotan readers… (clear’s throat) Ok, that’s it then.

Beautiful words, a sad truth

From the article John Sentamu sworn in as Archbishop of York in the Times Online, dated November 30, 2005:

He called on the Church of England to revive its spirit of “wonder” and “adoration” and to rediscover the transforming power of the Gospel.”The scandal of the church is that the Christ-event is no longer life-changing, it has become life-enhancing. We’ve lost the power and joy that makes real disciples, and we’ve become consumers of religion and not disciples of Jesus Christ.”

Thanks to Andrew Jones for the link.

I’m too sexy…

Got the link from Melody. I’m too weak I just had to take the test.

Your Seduction Style: The Natural

You don’t really try to seduce people… it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious – a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

Confessions of an MPR junky.

Actually, this post has little to do with Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) other then it is my source for world news and current events. This morning alone I have heard reported

1. twelve days of rioting in France by the marginalized immigrant population in that country
2. another defense attorney for the senior ex-Bath party officials in Iraq has been murdered
3. a short history of the fifty plus year struggle for the Kashmir province between India and Pakistan and it’s role in delaying relief aid getting to the victims of that massive earthquake
4. two explosions in busy marketplaces in India a few days back, attributed to the Kashmir separatists

I hear all this in the span of the twenty minutes that it takes for me to get to work in the morning. Events that are happening today, as I type, if you will, but have there roots in decades, if not centuries, of human history.

Top all this with the report of a friend who is in the Sudan, or near it, I am not certain, about this poor fellow who worked for an NGO in the area getting shot right in front of his pregnant wife and children and their car being torched. This one has not made the news. How many other events like this never make the news?

What’s my point? I don’t know. It is just that this is the world that we find ourselves in and I find myself asking the reflection in the mirror, “What are you going to do about it?” I can’t change the world but maybe, just maybe, being more aware of the injustice and suffering going on around the world can, at least, act as a catalyst for me act more justly and love mercy in the little part of it that i find myself in.

No specifics here, no answers, just reflections.

Loving adversaries.

Straight-up awesome quote from Ryan Bolger:

I read the words today of Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh which said “We are the loving adversaries of every regime”. As I reflected on this, I believe it encapsulates perfectly the challenge for the Christian to be “in the world but not of it”.

It is a challenging concept. What do you think?

The church and our place in it.

(This was meant to be posted this last week. Oops.)

I love this statement that I read today made on this post by messy Christian:

“…we’ve put our emphasis on the wrong place. It should be on people, not on a place. The place should be a tool to bring people together … funny how we’ve made “going to that place” more important somehow.”

It is really interesting that she makes this statement as part of a broader discussion on her choice to “take a break from church� for a few weeks. I think messy Christian is talking about taking a break from her congregation, moreover her congregation within the confines of the building that they meet on Sunday, when she says that she is taking a break from “church�. She is taking a break from all the pressures and responsibilities that are attached to being a part the whole process of making a Sunday service happen, and the confines and strictures that go with it.