the egotist in me wonders why i never get a comment on my blog. sometimes i go to my site just to see if there is a comment even though i know that, if there was a comment, it would be forwarded to my email account.
i surprise myself with my own vanity sometimes. i mean really, i don’t log much and what i do log isn’t necessarily compelling to anyone but me, but there is still that part of me that wants to be recognized and acknowledged.
will anyone even read this post? who really cares? seriously, in the end this is mainly a cathartic action for me mixed with a bit of exhibitionism. It would be cool to have someone read and react to a entry but one would need an entry worth reacting too. so, i suppose i will just have to settle for the purging benefit this journal this journal allows me.
I did just check and if you do a google search for mark miron, this blog does come up as #1 on the list, so that’s a comfort. Anyone looking for mark miron will find this site. it’s like i’ve got a corner on the ‘mark miron’ market, so i’m like famous or something. it’s a long stretch but my ego likes it and that is good enough for now.
still, if you read this blog, comment. my ego will thank you… no, actually my ego (i must depersonalize at this point relegate my ego to the third person for reasons of shame) will probably bask in the recognition of it’s own importance for a moment and then ponder the next wonderfully insightful entry we can add to this blog, trolling for comments, so that the ego can bask again.
Here’s good idea, i’ll comment my own blog so that way when someone reads this they will be more like to respond and have a model for what a proper response could be. that’s it, people just need some guidance with this commenting thing, that’s all.